Rabu, 23 April 2014


Nama  : Elsa Elida Mastiur
Npm    : 12210343
Kelas   : 4EA16

AGREEMENT or CONCORD is a match between the SUBJECTS and PREDICATES. That is when the subject of the sentence SINGULAR then the verb must also be SINGULAR and when the subject is PLURAL then the verb must also be PLURAL, for example:

·         Rina is busy today. Tika and Dina are busy today
·         Simon goes to school. Simon and Alex go to school
·         Some students are in the library
·         Most of the people work in the farm

1). AGREEMENT between THE SUBJECT and VERB with: of, on, in, together with, along with, accompanied by, as well as BUT these words do not affect the fit between the subject and the verb.

This is the agreement between Subject and Verb
*) SUBJECT + ( of …/ on …/ in …) +VERB ……

·         The study of science is very interesting
·         The students in the library have made a summary of short stories
·         Several magazines on the life of celebrities are sold out today.

*) SUBJECT + ( together with /along with / accompanied by / as well as ) + VERB ……

·         The manager, together with his staffs was at the central office last night
·         Mr. President, accompanied by his wife and children has attended a wedding party

This is the agreement between Subject and Verb
*) VERB 1 + ing as subject + Verb in a singular form

·         Running five kilometers a week is his hobby
·         Writing short stories makes him famous
·         Smoking cigarettes is not good for your health

Pronouns are always considered to be a single and was followed by a singular verb, for example:

This is the agreement between Subject and Verb
·        One
One should obey the rules
One must knock the door before entering someone’s house
·        Anybody
Is there anybody inside?
Anybody who is interested in my come
Anybody is welcome
·        Anything
She didn’t say anything
Anything is better
·        Anyone
Anyone is wellcome here
Anyone must be able to do it
·        Everyone
Everyone has the right to vote
·         Everybody
Everybody says, “NO” to drugs
·        Everything
Everything is OK. None hates her.
·        Nobody
Nobody is perfect
·        Nothing
That criminal says nothing
·        Someone
Nothing is new. Someone wants to see you
·        Somebody
Somebody was here an hour ago
·        Something
I have something to talk about
There is something to eat in my bag

3). AGREEMENT between THE SUBJECT and VERB with None/No
Rapprochement between the subject and the verb None/No. None /No can be followed by a singular or plural verb, depending on the noun that follows it.

This is the agreement between Subject and Verb
*) None + of the + uncountable noun + a singular verb

·         None of the advice is needed
·         None of the information explains the case

*) None + of the + plural + countable noun

·         None of the passengers drink alcohol
·         None of the students have finished the exam yet

This is the agreement between Subject and Verb
*) No + singular noun + singular verb

·         No option is suitable for us

This is the agreement between Subject and Verb
*) No + plural noun + plural verb

·         No option are suitable for us

4). AGREEMENT between THE SUBJECT and VERB with Either…….or and Neither……..nor.
Rapprochement between the subject and the verb  Either ……or / Neither ..... nor, meaning Either……. or / Neither ......nor can be followed by a singular or plural verb, depending on the noun that follows it.

This is the agreement between Subject and Verb
Either + noun or + singular noun + singular verb
Neither + noun nor + singular noun + singular verb

·         Either Hetty or Susi is going to the Supermarket today
·         Neither Hetty nor Susi goes to the supermarket today

This is the agreement between Subject and Verb
Either + noun or + plural noun + plural verb
Neither + noun nor + pluralnoun + plural verb

·         Either Hetty or her friends are going to the Supermarket today
·         Neither Hetty nor his friends go to the supermarket today

The study of science is very interesting. Some proposals on the Infrastructure Project are signed up by Mr. President. The students in the library have made a summary of short stories. Several magazines on the life of celebrities are sold out today. The danger of flood in Jakarta becomes a serious threat. My mom or dad is coming to the play. Neither gray nor white is my favorite color. Some managers in this company were busy yesterday. Each of the students has received a diploma. The aim of this research was intended to know the influence of oil price rise to prosperity of the people.
Rina is busy today. Tika and Dina are busy today. Simon goes to school. Simon and Alex go to school. Some students are in the library. Most of the people work in the farm. Anyone is wellcome here. Everything is OK. There is something to eat in my bag. Nothing has been determined as of yet.
The jury has finally reached a decision. The manager, together with his staffs was at the central office last night. Mr. President, accompanied by his wife and children has attended a wedding party. Inul Daratista, along with her manager and bodyguards goes to the Netherlands. Living in the city, as well as in many other cities is very high. Jimmy, together with Kelly leaves for Bali tomorrow. Two special guests, allong with are talking about the future of Aceh. Either Hetty or her friends are going to the Supermarket today. Neither the taxi nor the bus was badly damaged.

Penulis   : Slamet Riyanto with Emilia NH and Leila NH
Penerbit : Pustaka Pelajar

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